Still reading holiday rom-coms…

Y’all, I can’t stop. I’m still reading holiday stories. It’s the end of January!

Leigh Donnelly was kind enough to share a review copy of her darling book Ignore Scott. Here are my thoughts.

You can't ignore Scott! He's far too cute.

But that's the directive Jackie Strauss gets when she's part of a neighborhood-wide documentary about the annual Christmas Lights Lane decorating extravaganza. After inheriting her aunt's home on this quirky (crazy?!) street, Jackie hopes her involvement in the months-long documentary project will boost her DIY career.

Other than the bizarre Richard Simmons (I had to look this up -- who is Richard Simmons?!) references, this is a fun and sweet romp. And I adore Scott. A book boyfriend I loved hanging out with.

If you like coastal kitsch and Christmas rom-coms, you'll very much enjoy "Ignore Scott".


Whatcha readin’?


Chapter 6