You are a bad@ss

Hey there, fellow badass!

You’ll soon be seeing a lot more of this from me on Instagram, diving deep into some powerful topics—everything from embracing our queer identities while staying connected to our faith, to celebrating the amazing stories that uplift our community. In the meantime, let me tell you this: You are a badass.

The Joy of Blending Faith and Identity

Let’s start with the elephant in the room: Can you be queer and still love God? Hell yes, you can! One of the most common struggles I hear from my readers is the idea that you have to choose between your queer identity and your faith. But let me tell you—there’s no need to give up one for the other. You can embrace both with all the love and joy in the world.

When I was in my darkest place, it was romance stories that offered me an escape. That escape led me to write my own stories—stories that blend love, faith, and queer identity in ways that feel authentic and true to who I am. Stepping up, stepping out, and stepping into my full self has been one of the most challenging but rewarding journeys of my life. And guess what? My connection to God never wavered through it all.

If you’ve been hiding your spiritual side or feeling disconnected from your faith because of your queer identity, I want you to try something different. Instead of using traditional religious language that doesn’t resonate, why not create your own? In Holland, My Heart, Holland says things like "good goddess in her heaven." Find a language that feels right for you, and let that be your bridge between your queer identity and your faith.

Every Person Deserves an HEA

Another thing we need to talk about: Every single one of us deserves a Happily Ever After (HEA). Whether it’s in love, life, or faith, you deserve to live your biggest, boldest, queerest, God-loving life out loud *every damn day.*

One of my readers once told me that my book was the first queer story she ever read. Why do I think that happened? Because I write safe spaces for everyone—even people who don’t identify as queer. My books are designed to be welcoming, inclusive, and full of love for anyone who picks them up. You are seen, you are loved, and you deserve your HEA.

Found Family in Fiction—and in Life

Every one of my books has a found family, and so do you. Whether you’ve found your people in a local community, an online group, or through the pages of a book, know that you’re never alone. We all deserve to feel connected, supported, and loved. And if you’re still looking for your found family, don’t give up. They’re out there waiting for you.

Celebrating the Joy of Queer Stories

From August 29 through September 2, When Ivy Met Adam will be FREE alongside other nominees for Indieverse Awards. When Ivy Met Adam is nominated for multiple Indieverse Awards including Best Romance Novel, Best Voice Actor for C.J. Bloom, Favorite Love Triangle, Character with the Most Growth, and Most Inclusive Group of Characters.

This is your chance to dive into a story that’s full of love, faith, and queer joy before casting your vote. And guess what? Holland, My Heart is FREE during this time too! So, grab your copies, dive into these stories, and let’s celebrate the joy of queer romance together.

You Are a Super Star

At the end of the day, remember this: You are a stellar human and I adore you. You are brave, you are beautiful, and you are deserving of every ounce of love and joy this world has to offer. Whether you’re navigating your queer identity (or your identity as an ally!), your faith, or all of the above, know that you are not alone. We are on this journey together, and there is so much joy to be found.

So go out there and live your biggest, boldest, queerest, God-loving life. You deserve it.


‘Like I’ve known you forever.’


First person blurb