Whatcha readin’?

These are the ten most recent rom-coms I’ve read… Well, not really ten. Because three on this list are multiples. Nothing like multiples, amirite?

Click the link to read a preview of each. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

  1. The Chameleon Effect written and read by the real Joe Arden

  2. The Undertaking of Hart and Mercy by Megan Bannen (this is maybe rom-com adjacent, but I just loved it)

  3. Meet Me in the Margins by Melissa Ferguson

  4. Beef Cake by Jiffy Kate

  5. Violet’s Story collection by Rachel Morgan (not-so-much rom-com as sweet love story wrapped in adventure)

  6. Maggie Moves On by my new hero Lucy Score

  7. The Winston Brothers (my second time through the entire series!) by Penny Reid

  8. Book Lovers by Emily Henry

  9. Beach Read by Emily Henry

  10. P.S. It’s Always Been You Parts 1, 2, and 3 on Audible by Lauren Blakely

Some of my favorite authors are on this list. These women (+Joe) have inspired me in ways I cannot measure. I hope you’ll read these and tell me what you think. I loved all of them.


Holland’s World

