WIP Wednesday: A fresh start

Y’all. I woke up one morning last week with a new attitude. I wrote a new prologue for Hannah’s Song. I’m so excited! It feels like a whole new book and I’m actually excited about writing it. Here’s a little taste of the new prologue.

“Whatcha thinking?” He sips his beer. I watch him. Fuck, this man is sex itself. He does that thing where is tongue touches the mouth of the bottle just before his lips do. I die. In the decade we’ve been a couple, it has never once occurred to me to want anyone other than this man. I have never wanted anything more than that tongue and those lips. This man doing unspeakable things to me and my body. I watch his throat as he swallows. 

“About working on this baby thing,” I answer honestly. I mean, I was thinking about the Get Our Shit Together part of it at first, but as the tequila hits the back of my knees and his gaze settles on my mouth, I’m now thinking about the Get As Much of His Skin on Mine part of it. “Let’s go home.” 

He gets that half smile that melts my panties every single time. “Yeah?”

I nod.

He throws two twenties on the bar and me over his shoulder. I’m giggling hysterically as the bartender calls us by name and says goodbye. He’s seen this show before. 

And that’s the way the story continued for another six years. We never followed up with the fertility specialist. (Well, what actually happened is that I called and told her we didn’t want our results and we weren’t interested in working with her. We were letting nature take her course.) We just kept having really good sex. 

And then one morning I wake up and I’m 40. The one thing I always, always promised myself was that I would NOT become a mother after age 40. But I don’t feel 40. I feel 27.


QOTW: Margaret Atwood


Teaser Tuesday: Ivy & Iris