Typo Scavenger Hunt

I’m here for it! I was reading the Kindle version of my book this week and found two typos in the first chapter alone. Please send me the typos you’re finding. And, in exchange, I’ll tell you how they got there.

Once upon a time, a pandemic happened. (Is happening!) While the whole world was locked down, I was inspired to write my story. That proved very quickly to be extremely challenging. Instead, I wrote 70,000 words based on my favorite story in the Bible. As soon as I reached the 70,000-word mark, I got very excited about how accomplished I felt. So, I designed a cover, built a brand, took a few writing courses (even though I’m a writing teacher—educator, teach thyself), and got sh*t done.

Perhaps I had my foot too firmly on the gas pedal. Because there are obvious mistakes in my self-published novel. And yet, y’all seem to be on board for it. I am so immensely grateful for each imperfect copy you’ve purchased. You are my patient and loyal heroes, and I love you.

If you comment a legitimate typo below, I’ll send you an exclusive outtake chapter of Holland, My Heart. And please know, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Thank you for your support! The hustle is real.




Good news!