Jennifer J. Coldwater

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Teaser Tuesday: Ivy

Tuesdays are for teasers. Each week I post aesthetically pleasing quotes from Holland, Ivy, Divya, or Grace. Today is a quote from When Ivy Met Adam from Ivy’s point of view.

“I’m not trying to be an asshole, here, Ivy. But you’re the one stopping us from having that conversation. You won’t let me tell you. You relegated me to radio silence for the last two weeks. And now you’re moving nearly three thousand miles away.” He’s exasperated. “Look. I love you.” He pauses.

I blink slowly. I try to let that sink in. How the fuck does he know that?

“I know you’re wondering how I could possibly know this is love.”

Shut the fuck up. You don’t know what I’m thinking. I seethe silently.

“I know because you are everything I have ever wanted. You are fun and funny. Fiery and chaotic.” I flinch at that. “Quirky and kind. You are so smart it scares me sometimes.” He reaches for my hand again. I pull back. He stops. “You are the sexiest woman I have ever known. You in a baggy sweatshirt are hotter to me than a supermodel in nothing more than panties and angel wings.”

“Don’t be gross, Adam.”

“I mean it. You are it for me, Ivy. It’s like you were created for me.”

I wish I had no idea what he is talking about. Unfortunately, I do. I feel it too. The chemistry. The attraction. It’s out of this world. But it cannot unbreak my heart.