Jennifer J. Coldwater

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Teaser Tuesday: A quick review of Holland

Tuesdays are for teasers. Each week I post aesthetically pleasing quotes from Holland, Ivy, or Hannah. Today is something different.

I asked Bookstagrammers What makes you read a book you learn about on Instagram?

I got a lot of great responses and created some posts accordingly. One was a Quick Review of each of my own books! Here’s Holland’s.

5/5 hearts!
2/5 flames (for one open door scene at the end of a long, slow burn)
💕You know that stress inventory you can take? You get one point each for a long list of disastrous life events? Let’s just say I have lost count. In the last year alone I’ve lost my husband (and his brother), sold our home, moved across the country, quietly quit my job, watched my closest friend-slash-sister-in-law move out of the country, and… well, I guess that’s it. Could be worse, right? So, here I am. My name is Holland Gallagher and I'm a twenty-seven-year-old MBA with no job and a broken heart.
💕 Which, of course, is when my best friend-slash-mother-in-law Naomi introduces me to her oldest and dearest friend, Kai Ipu. He’s the empirically attractive Black-slash-Samoan CEO of a corporate consulting firm (think a started-in-his-dorm-room company with an eye to making corporations better citizens of the world). But I’m a mess and he’s significantly older than I am. So, I don’t have to worry about that, right? You’d think. He just invited me to join his company. I’m never one to turn down a challenge… so, here goes everything.
💕 Loosely based on the Bible book of Ruth (but with f-bombs from Kai, Holland’s drunken confessions of adoration, and one spicy sex scene), Holland, My Heart is the first in a collection of biblical women’s stories retold as contemporary romance. Holland, My Heart is an MF, dual POV, love-after-loss, sexy, witty standalone romance. Available on audio, in print, and on KU. 💕💕💕

My hearts, what makes you read a book you learn about on Instagram?

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