Teaser Tuesday

Holding Ivy like this—after several orgasms and on the verge of an afternoon nap—feels so perfect and natural. (The physician in me paused long enough to have a quick “I’m free of STIs, are you?” conversation before the multiple orgasms. Just sayin’.) She feels better than I remember. Tastes better than I remember. Fucks better than I remember. Years of desire may be at the heart of that—absence makes the libido grow stronger, right?—but I know it’s me too. I know this body so much better than that one. My confidence in who I am and how I look fuels this fire. And now, as she glows in my arms, I want nothing more than to savor her.

I run my lips and whiskers over her shoulder. “Thank you,” I whisper into her skin.

She sighs. “That was…” she trails off. I let her think about it. “Sublime.”

I was always math and science; she was always words. “That’s good, right?” I know she can feel me smile against her skin.

“That’s very good, Adam.” I can hear her smile back. “You’re really hot.”

I laugh. And pull her closer. “As are you.”

“No, I mean, you are fucking gorgeous. Your body,” she flips over in my arms so she can face me, “you are exactly who you are.”

I raise an eyebrow at her. But I know what she means. I think it too, nearly every day in the mirror. Oh, there I am.

“That must sound dumb. But what I mean to say is that I am so sorry you had to grow up wanting this and having something else.” She blushes. “I’m not saying this right. I’m trying to show my appreciation for who you are now. And my sympathy for what you went through.”

“You’re saying it right.” I kiss her nose. “Thank you.” What I want to say is that I am sorry she had to go through our breakup to get us both here. But I don’t tell her that because I know she’d go icy on me.

“But seriously.” She runs her hands over my chest, my shoulders, my biceps. “You’re god-like. You must work out.”

“Every day.” Well, except today. I guess I should try to get in a workout later tonight.

“It shows. Plus, you’re… well, so manly.” She runs her hands over the light dusting of hair on my chest, the trail down my stomach. “It’s delicious.” And she proves it by licking me—playfully, she licks my shoulder. My every nerve ending lights up. Who knew shoulder licking would be sexy?

“Fuck, Ivy,” I growl. “You’re getting me all worked up again, love.” I grab her hips and pull her over me so she’s straddling my hips. “Grind that sweet pussy onto me.” She complies. And it’s perfect.


WIP Wednesday: Mood board


Holland is Free!