QR: Imogen, Obviously

Quick Review

Imogen, Obviously by Becky Albertalli is a beat for beat retelling of what I wish I’d been brave enough to do for myself when I was 18. I hope queer and questioning kids love this story as much as I did. Spot on narration by Caitlin Kinnunen. Just all five stars!

Here’s the blurb:

Imogen Scott has questions…

Imogen Scott may be hopelessly heterosexual, but she’s got the World’s Greatest Ally title locked down. She’s never missed a Pride Alliance meeting. She knows more about queer media discourse than her very queer little sister. She even has two queer best friends: Gretchen, a fellow high school senior, who helps keep Imogen’s biases in check, and Lili—newly out and thriving with a cool squad of queer college friends.

Imogen’s thrilled for Lili. Any ally would be. And now that she’s finally visiting Lili on campus, she’s bringing her ally A game. Any support Lili needs, Imogen’s all in.

Even if that means bending the truth, just a little.

Like when Lili drops a tiny, queer bombshell: She’s told all her college friends that Imogen and Lili used to date. And none of them know that Imogen’s a raging hetero—not even Lili’s good friend Tessa.

Of course, the more time Imogen spends with chaotic, freckle-faced Tessa, the more she starts to wonder if her truth was ever all that straight to begin with….

Now a NYT Bestseller and available in stores!!


FMC’s resolutions


WIP Wednesday: longhand