Now what?

My hearts, I have posted the last chapter of When Ivy Met Adam. Now what do I do? With my time? With my blog? With my Instagram?

Here are my ideas… please let me know what you want to see more of? Less of? I love hearing from you.


Now & Next posts, Quick Reviews, Instagram dumps, etc. Monday Miscellany!

Tuesday Teasers

Aesthetically pleasing quotes from Holland, Ivy, and Hannah.

Wednesday WIP

Posting twice a week about When Ivy Met Adam was not usually a challenge. However, writing Hannah’s Song has been a difficult journey and I fear that even once-a-week posts on Wednesdays will give me fits. But as often as I can, I’ll keep up with this goal.


Quote of the Week. I’ve been gathering quotes about love, about reading, about love of reading… I’ll make them cute, promise.


Indie author support day! To celebrate the end of each week and to give you fun things to read over the weekend, I’ll post about other self-published and indie romance authors.

That’s it! My new blog plan. What do you think? Any suggestions?


Teaser Tuesday: Everson


Chapter 34 - The Last Chapter