Jennifer J. Coldwater

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James Baldwin

Well said.

“You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world, but then you read. It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive, who had ever been alive.”

― James Baldwin

This quote is included in the book I just launched: DIVERSIFY YOUR ROMANCE: A Reading Journal.

James Baldwin's words hit at the heart of why we read. They remind us that stories offer more than just escape—they’re bridges. Through them, we find that we’re not alone in our struggles, heartbreak, or joy. Books show us that, across time and culture, the human experience is shared.

Romance, in particular, has a unique way of revealing that love—messy, painful, transformative—connects us all.

Baldwin’s insight speaks to one of the main reasons I created the DIVERSIFY YOUR ROMANCE: A Reading Journal. As readers, we all know that moment when a line in a book reaches right into our hearts and reminds us that someone else, even if they live a world away or lived centuries ago, has felt just as we do. I think romance novels do this especially beautifully. They give us characters who love, struggle, and grow, offering us a way to see ourselves in others—no matter where or who those others may be.

In today’s world, it’s more important than ever to read stories that reflect a range of experiences. With DIVERSIFY YOUR ROMANCE, I wanted to create something that helps you explore the wide variety of love stories out there—stories that break from traditional narratives and give space to new voices and perspectives. It’s a guide to finding connection not only in your own experiences but in the rich diversity of others’.

What’s Inside the Journal?

The DIVERSIFY YOUR ROMANCE journal invites you to expand your reading horizons with:

  • Guided Challenges: Take a deep dive into romance subgenres, from LGBTQ+ love stories to non-Western mythologies, and discover new authors and perspectives along the way.

  • Book Recommendations: Carefully curated suggestions to guide your journey, with plenty of room for your own reviews, thoughts, and favorite quotes.

  • Customizable Tracker: A color-your-own tracker lets you visualize your reading journey and celebrate each story you complete.

  • Reflection Prompts: After reading, pause to think about how these stories resonate with you and shift your views on love, relationships, and humanity.

  • TBR Wishlist: Keep track of the books that spark your curiosity and add them to your ever-growing list of must-reads.

James Baldwin teaches us that stories have the power to connect us across time and space. Through romance, we can explore the universality of love in its many forms—how it thrives, struggles, and transforms. By diversifying our reading, we deepen that connection with others and expand our understanding of what it means to love.

If you’re ready to join this journey and discover new favorites, grab your copy of the DIVERSIFY YOUR ROMANCE journal today—only $4.99 for the paperback now at Amazon and free for Kindle Unlimited subscribers. And don’t forget to join the conversation with #DiversifyYourRomanceChallenge!

What romance stories have made you feel more connected to others? Leave a comment or message me with your thoughts!