We live for positive feedback.

There’s something magical about receiving praise. It’s like a burst of sunshine on a cloudy day, a moment of affirmation that what you’re doing matters, that you’re on the right path. We all crave it, in every corner of our lives—whether it’s a smile from a stranger, a nod from a colleague, or a heartfelt message from a friend.

Positive feedback is more than just words of encouragement. It’s a lifeline. It keeps us going when the road gets tough and the doubts start creeping in. It’s that extra push we need to keep creating, keep striving, keep believing in ourselves and our work. And it’s not just about boosting our ego—it’s about connecting, understanding, and knowing that what we do resonates with someone out there.

Let me share a story that embodies this powerful truth. Years ago, I posted a Bruce Feiler quote on Instagram.

And then Bruce Feiler responded!

Thank you for sharing. You're good at what you do. #keepwriting

When his response came, it was like a dream.

That moment (and believe me, it was merely a moment—something I forgot until I was looking back at blog posts recently!) was transformative. It wasn’t just about the validation from someone I admired—it was about the realization that he had been right in the first place. We like positive feedback.

Here’s what I’m trying to say: our words, our stories, and our efforts have the power to touch others, to inspire, and to make a difference.

Praise, especially from someone we look up to, has the power to change our trajectory. It can lift us up, propel us forward, and give us the courage to continue when we might otherwise falter. But it’s not just about receiving—it’s also about giving. When we share our positive feedback with others, we become part of that same powerful cycle of encouragement and support.

So, here’s my challenge to you: Be generous with your affirmations and praise. Whether it’s a simple compliment or a heartfelt review, don’t hold back. Your words have the power to uplift, to motivate, and to inspire. And when you receive positive feedback, let it fuel your passion and remind you that what you do truly matters.

As a writer, I’ve been blessed with incredible feedback from readers who have connected with my stories. One of the most touching moments was when a reader told me that my book was the first queer story they’d ever read, and it made them see the world differently. That feedback was a reminder of why I write—to create safe spaces, to tell stories that matter, and to connect with people on a deep, meaningful level.

And in that spirit, I want to say thank you to everyone who has ever taken the time to share their thoughts with me. Your feedback is what keeps me going, what drives me to keep writing, and what reminds me that we’re all in this together.

So let’s keep the positivity flowing. Let’s celebrate the power of positive feedback and the impact it has on our lives. Whether you’re giving it or receiving it, know that it matters. And remember, you are a badass, and your words have the power to change the world.

Keep shining, keep creating, and keep spreading the love.

And hey, speaking of spreading love, did you know that both When Ivy Met Adam and Holland, My Heart are free today? Dive into these stories, leave some feedback, and join me in this incredible journey. Let’s keep lifting each other up, one story, one kind word at a time.


Teaser Tuesday: Adam & Nelson


Meet Kristina Carmela Part 2