This bookworm author strives to be…

Inspired by @matmansfield's courageous post of the same title.

About My Account

This is a space welcoming and respectful of everyone, including transwomen, those who are nonbinary, and gender non-conforming. I see you. My novels are loosely based on the Hebrew Bible, and I live my life as an ally and an advocate for the Jewish people. I engage with these stories because I hold them very dear. I identify as queer and I have an invisible disability, so perhaps that is why the characters I read and write love the way they do.

“The values I hold aren’t always reflected in the books I read, and I think that’s true of most people. After all, a lot of us love a toxic, possessive stalker boyfriend in fiction, but we know we should run from someone like that in real life. Still, there are some things in the books I read and review that I know directly contradict my values. This post outlines decisions I’ve made about my reading and posting choices…” –Mat Mansfield

I strive to read and review BIPOC, disabled, neurodivergent, and/or trans, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming authors and characters.

@matmansfield uses the term Fat Liberationist where I take the chicken’s route and say Size Inclusive. This has everything to do with my own journey as a curvy girl. I strive to de-center size in my writing, and I will work on being more comfortable with the word “fat”. Please suggest book titles you think will help me with that!

Starting today, I will include accessibility features on all my posts: image descriptions, closed captioning, limited emojis (even though this breaks my ADHD heart), hashtags in comments rather than posts, info from stories included in posts (stories are not screen reader-friendly).

What do you strive to be? 📚


QOTW: Rebecca Yarros


A Playlist for Ivy