Interview with… me!
Graphic based on my interview with Coffee Time Romance. (Note: My least favorite hero type is Alphas and the rest of the quote was “Give me a CEO who rolls over and shows us his belly every day of the week.”😉)
Tory Richards at Coffee Time Romance interviewed me in December. The interview is live now!
Here’s an excerpt—please go read the full interview!
What was your hardest challenge writing this book?
My struggle with this book was about marketing Holland, My Heart more than any other aspect of its creation. I went back and forth for a long time about whether to be upfront about the biblical origin of the story—now that I’m here and she’s published, I cannot fathom having kept that a secret. I’m very proud of Holland’s roots in the Book of Ruth. I’m glad I followed my heart.
What kind of research did you have to do?
My research for Holland, My Heart started with the Bible. I used A Living Library of Jewish Texts Online.
Since writing Holland, My Heart, I have added listening to the chapters read in Hebrew at (I wish I’d thought to look for it when I was writing my first novel.)
Anyway, after I was very comfortable with the Bible story and the structure of Ruth, I researched the other aspects of the contemporary romance novel. I found my journalism training useful in this part of the writing process. For example, I read several Forbes and Fortune magazine articles about the paths and successes of young, female CEOs so my descriptions of Holland would be relatable. I also read up on corporate consultants to make sure Kai’s company felt believable. For the travel (and especially the meals), I spent a lot of time looking at hotel websites, cafe menus, and flight plans. If you plan to travel to Mexico City, Palermo, or here to LA, I’ve got you covered!
What in your opinion makes good chemistry between your leading characters?
The chemistry between Holland and Kai comes from my absolute obsession with both of them. I think Kai is the smartest, funniest, most attractive man—and I’m equally smitten with Holland’s brains, wit, athleticism. When they are making googly eyes at each other, it’s really me being all schmoopy and romantic at them.