Jennifer J. Coldwater

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Y’all, this review by Kajori Sheryl Paul has me in tears. Is it possible for a review to make me feel seen?

Coldwater creates flesh and blood characters with whom you can relate to. While reading the book, you would want to befriend Holland, Kai, Naomi, Ximena, Micah, and all the others. Kai instantly falls in love with Holland. However, he does not know what to make of his feelings. He does not jump into a relationship with her as soon as he feels a connection. He takes the time to know her while giving her the time to come to grips with her feelings. Kai ensures that he is always there for her. Holland feels the sparks right when she meets him yet it is difficult for her to accept Kai as her love for Aiden remains true. It is heartwarming to watch her reconcile her feelings for both Kai and Aiden. I love how she did her best to be in Kai’s corner even when she herself was in shambles. The way the two of them were each others’ pillars, especially when they had to face their unresolved issues with their respective mothers is admirable.

My sincere thanks to Kajori and The Chrysalis BREW Project. They’re support of authors and readers is huge and heartfelt. 💕