In the mood to review?

Are you in the mood to read my book and write a review? If you’re interested, please request a review copy.

I recently wrote a review for The Chameleon Effect by Joe Arden on Reedsy. I wanted to do a thorough and thoughtful job in the writing thereof. So, I looked up a few different articles on review writing.

Here are some tips I gathered.

First, adapted from Grammarly, a template.

  • A hook

  • Info about the book

  • Quick plot summary

  • Your praise and/or critique

Depending on the site where you’re writing your review, you might also include information about the book and a rating (stars, thumbs-up, etc.). Some places people expect to find reader reviews include the following:

  • Booksellers

    • Audible

    • Amazon

    • Apple

    • Google Play

    • Barnes & Noble

  • Goodreads

  • Bookbub

  • Social media

    • Bookstagram

    • BookTok

    • YouTube

  • Your own blog, of course

Know that all authors—even the most successful—rely on reviews. I cannot speak for them, but know that I am immensely grateful for your feedback.

Happy reviewing! If you are in the mood. 😉


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