Jennifer J. Coldwater

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Draft One

I’m 20,329 words into the writing of my second book. But it feels stuck. I was going through my old notes hoping to find some inspiration.

I found my very first jottings from the start of writing Holland, My Heart.


Retelling Ruth. She’s a newlywed, incandescently happy. Tragedy strikes—a car accident? Meet Joe Black? His mother helps her pick up the pieces. Teaches her the ways of — what? The city? Her business? She’s a CEO? Or Hollywood? In the process Ruth learns about herself. Faith. Family. 

Ruth is hardworking. Hyper-focused. Driven. 

Naomi is generous. 

Boaz is hot. 

Boaz calls a board meeting to make Ruth CEO. 


They get married, baby, Naomi is grandma. 

Maybe after the baby is born Ruth tells the nurse that Naomi is her mom? Some way to demonstrate she’s more than mother-in-law. 

I’m blown away by the date—I started this journey twenty months ago—I’d earlier estimated thirty-one. This gives me hope that I can pull the next book together just as efficiently.

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