Jennifer J. Coldwater

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One month old

Holland, My Heart celebrates her one-month anniversary on Friday, Nov. 4. I’m very proud of her and all that she’s accomplished in such a short time.

2,618 Kindle pages read

175+ copies sold

5 five-star reviews on Amazon (Wow! Thank you!)

2 cover iterations

1 very happy author!

Thank you for being a part of this journey, my hearts.

What’s next?

  • Blue Nose Audio is recording the audiobook as we speak! Look for it early in 2023. (Eeeeeee! I’m so excited!)

  • I’m polishing a 20-pages prequel about Holland and Aidan. 💔 Look for it via this blog and newsletter soon.

  • NaNoWriMo is encouraging me to finish my first draft of the second book in the Badass Babes of Bible collection. My goal is to get it in your hot little hands in April 2023.

This is the most fun I’ve had in ages. I’m so grateful for you and your support.

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