
Aces United is not a real charity. Nor is The Naomi and Elias Gallagher Foundation. But you can generously support organizations like them this #GivingTuesday and any day, in the spirit of supporting Holland and Naomi and the things they cherish.

FROM: Kai Ipu, CEO

TO: Holland Gallagher, CSO

RE: Start strong, finish stronger

Tuesday, 7:02 a.m.


While doing some research, Micah came across some information about an initiative you spearheaded a few years ago to educate high school students about gender equity and anti-racism through school sports. Well done, my friend.

In his research, Micah couldn’t find any current info about the project. If this is something you’re still working on—or if it’s something you’re still interested in working on—Innovated would like to back you.

I’d like to offer my personal support as my participation on my high school football, basketball, and baseball teams improved my physical and mental health. From my coaches and teammates, I learned the interpersonal skills I still lean on today. And I learned to fail forward.

Use any IPU resources you need—perhaps legal can help you establish a 501(c)3. Or we can help you with marketing, web development, whatever you need.

And please let me know when and how I can pitch in.

Looking forward to working on this together—dare I say, doubling down?

—Kai in Holland, My Heart

educate high school students

Donors Choose

gender equity

American Civil Liberties Union


Southern Poverty Law Center

school sports

Heart of Los Angeles (HOLA)

Last, but not least

In the spirit of making good choices about where to put your time, talent, and treasure, consider making a gift to Charity Navigator.


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