Jennifer J. Coldwater

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Whatcha readin’?

November Edition

These are the ten most recent rom-coms I’ve read… Some are holiday themed because I cannot get enough.

Click the link to check them out. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.)

  1. Ten Trends to Seduce Your Best Friend by Penny Reid — This was an instant favorite. And this cover?! I love it.

  2. By a Thread by Lucy Score

  3. Take a Chance on Me by Beth Moran

  4. Along Came Holly by Codi Hall — Nick and Noel's Christmas Playlist was the book that launched this entire journey two Christmases ago! And I read There's Something About Merry last winter. A fun series and I admire Codi Hall’s patience in releasing one per year.

  5. The Naughty, the Nice and the Nanny by Willa Nash

  6. Three Bells, Two Bows and One Brother’s Best Friend by Willa Nash

  7. A Partridge and a Pregnancy by Willa Nash

  8. Eight Nights of Flirting by Hannah Reynolds — this was a recommendation by my TBR Bibliologist and I really enjoyed it!

  9. Kissing Tolstoy by Penny Reid

  10. Elements of Chemistry: Attaction by Penny Reid

Only one was a re-read—I started Kissing Tolstoy several months ago and did not finish. I was dating a professor at the time and it was a little too much for me to picture him making out with a co-ed. Ha! I went back with a little more distance this time and really enjoyed it.

It’s what led me to Attraction. I don’t think I’ll be able to power through the entire Hypothesis series, though. New adult romance gives me too much anxiety though—all those “firsts”! It was awkward enough when I was 19 or 20. I don’t need to re-live it all. 😉

I hope you’ll read some or all of these and tell me what you think. This is infinitely more fun when y’all email me or comment below.

Check out last month’s list of recently read rom-coms.