Jennifer J. Coldwater

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Bustle broke my heart.

Well, actually, that’s not the case. Bustle reminded me of my broken heart.

This advice column Q&A hit yours truly right in the feels.

The question felt very familiar.

It’s served a massive blow to my confidence and now he’s with someone new, my heart feels like it’s been ripped out of my chest. Is there any way I can get over him but maintain the friendship? I can’t even begin to imagine life without my very best friend.

Then the answer ripped my heart right out of my chest.

I want to prepare you that even with you doing everything “right” and putting your attraction towards him to the side, this friendship might not work right now. Not because you two aren’t best friends. Not because you aren’t enough for him as a friend or as a person. Not because you messed it up or made things weird. But because people act like total dipsh*ts when they’re newly dating and they often act like double dipsh*ts towards their friends that they used to have sex with.

As you may have heard, my journey as a novelist came to fruition partly because I was recovering from a mangled broken beat-up vitamixed heart. Anyway, thanks to Bustle, I know I’m not alone.