Baby got back.

Isn’t she cute?

As you may have heard, when I designed the cover of Holland, My Heart I was moving at a mile a minute. I was following less-than-professional advice. Impatience ruled the day.

With the help of a gifted and talented friend, I recently redesigned and rewrote the back of my book. Yay!

For like five minutes, yay.

I love the way it looks! Now I want to rewrite it again. Re-rewrite it?

Because this time I read much better advice. It purports readers want the blurb to match the novel. Well, y’all! Of course that’s what readers want. That’s what I want when I’m reading the backs of books!

So, here’s my new blurb. Please let me know what you think.

You know that stress inventory you can take? You get one point each for a long list of disastrous life events? Let’s just say I have lost count. In the last year alone I’ve lost my husband (and his brother), sold our home, moved across the country, quietly quit my job, watched my closest friend-slash-sister-in-law move out of the country, and… well, I guess that’s it. Could be worse, right? So, here I am. My name is Holland Gallagher and I'm a twenty-seven-year-old MBA with no job and a broken heart.

Which, of course, is when my best friend-slash-mother-in-law Naomi introduces me to her oldest and dearest friend, Kai Ipu. He’s the empirically attractive Black-slash-Samoan CEO of a multinational consulting firm (think a started-in-his-dorm-room consultancy with an eye to making corporations better citizens of the world). But I’m a mess, and he’s significantly older than I am. So, I don’t have to worry about that, right? You’d think. He just invited me to join his company. I’m never one to turn down a challenge… so, here goes everything.

I’m also planning to add this lovely review when redesign the back cover (again).

"Holland, My Heart is a modern romance whose characters drip with sex appeal and good humor. It is by turns full of fun and heart-rending. In her debut novel, Jennifer J. Coldwater delivers a classic romance sprinkled with the deep love of the friends we choose to make our family."

Arlys Avery, author of Kissing Owen Darcy

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Holland’s Holiday Wish List


Featuring… Holland!