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Believe me when I say, the hustle is real.

Recruiting readers and soliciting reviews has proven to be more taxing than writing my first novel. (Okay, maybe not that bad. But it’s a lot of work.) And I’m having the time of my life. I wouldn’t trade a moment of it.

You✨ are here because you’re a friend, and I’m infinitely grateful for you. And now I’d like to put you to work. Thanks in advance for your support!

  • First, please send a link to my blog to a friend (or several). Even better, invite your book-loving friends to subscribe to my newsletter.

  • Help me win free advertising on this great romance book blog? Coffee Thoughts on Coffee Time Romance is a blog about books like Holland, My Heart. Check them out.

  • Holland, My Heart was nominated for the BREW Readers’ Choice Awards. Here’s the September winner, in case you’re curious what a winner looks like. Here’s the link to vote for my book. Vote early and vote often!

  • Are you ready to start your holiday shopping? Consider a gift of Kindle Unlimited. Holland is free on Kindle Unlimited! If Holland, My Heart is the first book you buy, I get brownie points. Well, not brownie points, but as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.


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