Jennifer J. Coldwater

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The reviews are in!

The messages I’m getting from my friends and family are in, at least.

Have you read Holland, My Heart? (Wow. Really? Thank you!)

If you have read my first novel, I’d really appreciate a review. Consider posting on Goodreads or on Amazon. Or both!

If you have not read Holland, My Heart yet, and you really want to review it, please request a review copy here. I’ll be thrilled to hear what you think.

In the meantime, please enjoy the hilarity and the hearts my family and friends have been sending me.

From a dear high school friend:

I just finished your book, and absolutely loved it! It’s a beautiful love story, but I also really enjoyed the “found family” thread, and theme of strong, competent women supporting each other. I can’t wait to read your next book!

From an elementary school friend (we actually lived in the Florida Panhandle as kids):

I’m loving the book so far! I just had to share that when I read Holland lived in Mary Esther, Florida, I was thinking how fun and random that was, until I remembered you are the author. 😂

From my high school boyfriend:

I bought your book. I hate it already. Haven’t read a word, if we’re talking full disclosure. I hope it’s terrible. Then again, I’ve met you. Odds not in my favor.

From my aunt:

I’m ready for the sequels where Naomi and Ximena find love. 💗💗💗

(Someday, Auntie, someday.)

From my mom:

I don’t think I’m old enough to read the last chapter. But the rest is really good.

(I warned her. If you want a “closed door” romance experience, please skip Chapter 61.)